Walker Riverside Park

Birdwatching Sites Walker Riverside Park

Walker Riverside Park can be found between St Peter’s Basin and the Ouseburn to the west; and Wallsend to the east. This important riverside habitat and wildlife corridor is home to a wide variety of riverside and woodland birds. During low tides, Curlews and Redshanks can be easily found and in the summer the river is alive with the calls of Common Terns and Kittiwakes. Cormorants can be seen daily swimming in the river or relaxing on the nearby rocks drying out their wings all year round.

The adjacent steep riverbanks, are popular with Bullfinch, Chaffinch, Goldfinch and Greenfinch and in the spring/summer months a good selection of Warblers can be seen or heard, which can include Blackcap, Chiffchaff, Lesser Whitethroat, Whitethroat and Willow Warbler. During the Autumn/winter Fieldfares and Redwings can be seen on nearby wasteland/former industrial land. Grey Partridges can also be found all year round.

Recent highlights have included inland Eider
and a Long-tailed Duck”.


A Jackdaw

Mallards and Mute Swans also often come to visit from the nearby Wallsend Burn or Ouseburn. Walker’s resident Ring-necked Parakeets, (which are likely to have originated from escapes over six years ago), at times visit Riverside Park from Walker Park, which is very close to the eastern edge of Riverside Park.

The site has inherited some pollution from its industrial past and is in need of more restoration. The park can be enjoyed by bike, using a cycle path which extends from St Peter’s Basin to Wallsend. There are also paths which travel close to the river and deep into the park itself. It takes a couple of hours to fully explore the park.

A Cormorant

Other wildlife present includes Hedgehogs and Foxes and a good selection of Moths and Butterflies in the summer. Seals are also sometimes seen if you’re lucky on the rare occasion.

Anglers can be seen fishing close to the river’s edge, but on the whole, the site is not well visited and only a handful of birders currently regularly visit the site. The cycle way has become popular however, from which you can enjoy scenic views from above.





  • Woodland
  • Riverside
  • Former Industrial Land
  • Grassland


There is free access to the park.


There are shops in the nearby town of Walker.


There is free parking available close to St Peter’s Basin to the West and Walker town Centre to the east.