Grindon Lough can be found only a few miles to the south of the English Heritage’s Flagship House Steads Roman Fort and is the smallest and shallowest of four natural loughs located in the Hadrian’s Wall area. Visitors are recommended to wrap up warm, as this is a very exposed site, which can be cold and very windy at times.

Grindon Lough is great for wildfowl, especially during the winter months. The water level is usually too shallow for diving ducks, however in recent years, due to high rainfall, water levels have been at times very high. This site remains a favourite for White-fronted Geese during the winter.
A Rook

Other key species to watch out for include Raven, Reg-legged and Grey Partridge and Buzzard. Recent highlights have included Red-necked Phalarope, American Wigeon and an inland Long-tailed Duck (2017).
Map Reference
NY 806 677
- Wetland
There is no access to the reserve.
There are no toilets or shops nearby.
There is no dedicated parking. Visitors can however park along the Stanegate Roman Road, west of Newbrough. This allows good views over the Lough. The road is narrow in places, so visitors are recommended to take care when parking to ensure passing cars can pass safely.
More Information
More information is available from the NWT website at